Private Equity Industry Blog
Cyber Diligence and Resilience: Understanding Risk Involved with A Company’s Data
September 8, 2019 | Blogs
Background The due diligence process in private equity transactions require that you as a buyer or s...
Opportunity Zones and Kentucky’s P3 Statute: Providing the Potential Solution for Some of Kentucky...
August 14, 2019 | Blogs
With Kentucky’s recent enactment of legislation permitting public-private partnerships (P3s), as w...
Successor Liability Presents A “Risky Gambit” to Private Equity Firm
July 27, 2019 | Blogs
A Federal District Court recently called investments in private companies a “risky gambit” becau...
Addressing the Impact of the Golden Parachute Rules in M&A Transactions
July 6, 2019 | Blogs
A “golden parachute” is defined as an agreement between an employer and employee that tr...
Avoid Buying Big Labor & Employment Law Risks
May 27, 2019 | Blogs
Savvy buyers must be on the lookout for “surprise” labor and employment law risks that can excee...
Financing Considerations in Emerging Hemp Businesses
May 7, 2019 | Blogs
Hemp-related business opportunities are exploding, particularly in Kentucky. Interested private equi...
Revisiting the Choice of Entity Decision for the Closely Held Business
January 2, 2019 | Blogs
During the past year, numerous articles have summarized and analyzed the changes made by the Tax Cut...